Thursday, November 10, 2011

Arvi park

The horse is brown .
The horse is ugly.
The horse is the largest.
The horse is surrounded be sawdust .
The horse is in the manger 

In this picture we see that the crop is abswred be haze an is surrounded be lush green trees and brush.

Here we are walking the trip we see that there 
are many trees around, the street is wet

This roat surrounded 
be trees, large variety of plants 

A booth with shairs, a paved road, surrounded be many trees and one of them cut  and many weeds

A filter for bacterium to get water from the rain and after strong storm 

A very nice view of a pond surrounded by many rocks, trees ,mosses and variety of plants.  

This picture was taken from above, we see a lot of trees and a cabin of "metro cable". 

In the picture  you can see a very special plant which has three very strong ramifications leaves very much alive and very striking color is the green of boiling is very homogeneus and other plants.

The following is a cheerful companion with the aim of getting into the mighty river with stones around.

It is a very beautiful flower, yellow,orange and bright colors.

In this photo there is a street , a variety of trees and in the back ground  you can see the houses in medellin.

Trees in this photograph made a kind of shadow lost in the sky.

It is clear the branches and green leaves that cover much of the picture.

In this photo we see a cold image of a forest, consisting of various kinds of trees and plants of all kinds.

In this photo we see a finished bridge and surrounded by plants very green.

In the photo there are two people piching for the cascade are many stones and trees.

This photo is of "piedras blancas", made mostly of wood, very well surrounded by trees and decorated in the ground all around with small stones and basically a paved roat.

This image is the place that controls metro cable cabisn, we can also see lots of pines of all sizes, it is a picture of the green highlights 

This picture is quite colorful, the stems of twisted trees, the pool very clean and the background a person walking.

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